The timetable for the course is below, covering all workshops, evening activities and sessions. Breaks are timetabled to allow all participants and tutors the opportunity to take regular, planned meal breaks. Times are displayed at GMT.

Youth Bursaries
Burwell Bash understands that the course is not financially viable for all families and that this can impact access for young people. With this in mind, Burwell Bash partnered with the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust as part of their Ruddock Bursary scheme to increase ease of access. The Burwell Bash community has also crowd funded additional bursaries as part of a memorial fund for one of our members who we lost in 2024, Fiona Fraser. Between 2025 and 2027, two Burwell Bash Bursaries a year will be awarded in Fiona's name. In order to be eligible, participants must be aged 14-25; play at an intermediate or advanced standard; and play either flute, whistle, fiddle, guitar or D/G melodeon. For the EATMT Ruddock Bursaries, applicants must also be resident of East Anglia or have substantial links to the area.
Download Burwell Bash Bursary Forms
Download EATMT Ruddock Bursary Forms
Gordon Ruddock

Fiona Fraser