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Members Area

Welcome to the Burwell Bash 2021 Online members area. This is where you can find all your information and course itinerary to help prepare you for the week itself. Please read this information carefully even if you have been before as there are some changes to be aware of. We aim to make this page as helpful as possible for everyone attending.

Who's Who?

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Tutors: Brian Finnegan, Katherine Mann, Jock Tyldesley, Tola Custy, Ed Boyd, Andy Cutting

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MC: Ellie West

Technical assistant: Tom Stanier

The Big Tune

Our Big tune is a longstanding tradition. Each year every participant is given this tune ahead of time to learn. The idea is that everyone on the course has at least one tune that absolutely everyone knows. With a different format to the course this year, we plan to incorporate it into our tunes around the chat room it the evening. We would also love it if you could post your version of the tune on social media during the course, using the hash tags #BurwellBash2021, #BigTune and #ChinquapinHunting.


This year's tune has been chosen by our fiddle tutor Jock Tyldesley and is called Chinquapin Hunting. We have provided the notation for it and is available below as a PDF. We also have a recording of Jock Tyldesley and Vera Van Heeringen performing the tune especially for us, should you prefer to learn it by ear. 

Read the notation

Download the sheet music

Listen to the track

Chinquapin Hunting


We aim to make you feel as welcome as possible during the course. At its heart, Burwell Bash is a community of likeminded musicians from all walks of life and from all over the world. With this in mind, we have a space online where we encourage everyone to meet, talk and get to know each other before the event. You can find our Facebook event page here where you can chat and meet members old and new.


The course itself will take place over zoom. The zoom link will be active from 8:30am-midnight (local UK time) each day. You have the option to join us for as much or as little of the course as you wish. A link to the zoom will be emailed out to you in the days leading up to the course. Be sure not to share it as each person will get their own unique password linked to their email to use.

During the group zoom classes we will ask you all to keep yourselves muted unless you're asked to unmute by your tutors. This is to ensure the smooth running of the course and minimise sound interference. We also ask that people display their names accurately so the tutors, technical staff and other participants can address you correctly and we can find each other. If you would like to add your pronouns in brackets, please do so. The chat function will be available for asking questions during sessions. We will be asking the tutors to check the chat periodically for questions. For this reason, please try an avoid using the chat for socialising while teaching is going on. Burwell Bash reserves the right to remove anyone who uses the chat or their display name to abuse others. Burwell Bash has always been a safe space for creativity, this will not change while we are all online.

We understand that this year will be a change to the social aspects of Burwell Bash. While we encourage everyone to use the Facebook event and social media during the course, breakout rooms may be available at our discretion for both tutors and participants. The zoom link will also stay active over breaks so that tutors as well as new and existing members can chat. 

If you have any technical problems during the zoom, please send a private chat message to Tom Stanier, our technical assistant for the course. If you struggle to get onto the zoom, send us an email to and we will help you as best you can. You can also check out the zoom website help section


Below is a timetable for the week to be sure you know what's on when. Times are displayed as local UK summertime (GMT+1).

2020 timetable ONLINE.png

Evening Activities

The evening activities are an additional treat offered to everyone taking part.

A Burwell Bash tradition is our own take on a pub quiz. The rounds are loosely based on popular TV quiz and panel shows. Adapted especially for a remote audience, this fun and hilarious quiz is sure to keep you amused.

For the first time ever, we will be interviewing our tutors as part of a live Q and A session. The tutors will be facing your questions alongside a set of prechosen questions. Stay tuned for a Burwell Bash first! To have your question asked to our tutors, drop us an email to

As ever, our tutors concert will exhibit our tutors doing what they do best. These performances will be directly from them to you and exclusively available from us. 

Tola performing at the Tutors Concert

Recordings and Notation

We will be updating this section of the website periodically over the three days to add notation and recordings.

The Gobby O 

Round the Corner

Ed's Big 5 0


Warm up exercises from Katherine

The Mystery Fiddle


Longshtep Fid

Folding Down the Sheets

The Things They Couldn't Kill



Catch up Recordings

The Cornstack

A complete list of videos so far


Tuesday - day 1

Wednesday - day 2

Thursday - Day 3

Additional Content

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